Prevent Extends

In the previous section, we learned how to disable overriding. I used the final keyword before the accessor of the method that would prevent overriding Using final when declaring a class prevents inheritance.

How to use final in a class

final class class name{}

So let's look at an example.


    final class GoogleCar


    class Car extends GoogleCar
        public function hello()
            return 'hello';
    $ever = new Car;
    echo $ever->hello();


The code above does not allow you to inherit GoogleCar using final.
But Car class is inheriting.
So I get an error
Result of the code above


Clearing final in the code above allows inheritance, so no error occurs.


    class GoogleCar


    class Car extends GoogleCar
        public function hello()
            return 'hello';
    $ever = new Car;
    echo $ever->hello();



Thank you.